Saturday, June 28, 2014

About Us

Hi, guys!

I want to tell you the story. So, let's start from the beginning. My name is Medina, from Baku, Azerbaijan, the kid of 90's, and I am a makeup freak. Like every other girl, I loved when I was left home alone, so I could open my mom's makeup bag and try every single thing on my face. It has been a sick problem since then when I was around nine or ten it is hard to remember now.
I remember how my sister, Fatima a.k.a Fatya and I were sitting with mom and aunt listening to their discussions of new purchased make-up and tricks they used. They even tried some of them on us, and I cannot describe fully the pleasure we’ve been getting from it. However, I started using makeup when I was 15 and it was only mascara at that point, which was a big deal for me. You know, school prohibited wearing full on make-up, so I was good with what I was allowed to do. Further, end of the school days and hundreds events associated with it.  So, I had my first REAL MAKEUP at my graduation from High School and my Prom night. After that, I pushed play button to my everyday makeup looks. As my mom being a little lover of makeup too she bought me some plain foundation and blush and it grew to something big; grew to something I became so passionate about further in life. Onto that, I got accepted to UCONN, where my obsession with make up got official. The U.S is heaven for a makeup lover. Since there weren’t any M.A.C or Sephora stores in Azerbaijan back then, I first stepped into the M.A.C. store in Connecticut and I wanted every single piece displayed on there. The beautiful and different colors caught my eyes and I couldn’t resist falling in love with them. Further, as I got not bored but rather familiar with MAC textures I expanded my horizons to Sephora. And here, I must say, nothing is limited; you are in control of your imagination with the variety of products that for the most part don’t look anything like the other ones. With the different make up brands you get different textures, colors, feelings. Some are good some are better.
 Fatya is now studying with me in the U.S. Did I tell you my makeup loving is contagious? You guessed it she is a makeup junkie as her older sister. But we are going in completely opposite directions. I prefer more bright and night out looks. Fatya, on the other hand, prefers more natural looks with twist of bright lips. But I am lucky enough to have her to practice my skills on. I should say that make up gives us the aesthetic pleasure from textures, colors, packaging, brushes to applying make up. Trying on different looks, testing different products in different conditions and occasions- that’s our passion. Also, we have some of our holy grail products that we would like to share in our future posts and sincerely hope that they will work for some of you too.
 So, here we are, Medina & Fatya, sisters who are obsessed with beauty and makeup. We will share our obsession with beauty products and what they can do for a woman's self-confidence. We have plenty of tips and trick how to rock the look. We won't tell you to throw away your makeup product, but we might advise you to wear it right! However, don't forget to put on a smile on your pretty face. As long as you wear a big smile on your face, you are beautiful. Believe me, no amount of makeup can fix a sad face. 

(Fatya & Medina)