Monday, June 29, 2015

P&G Beauty Salon

Привет всем!
   Мне посчастливилось посетить салон красоты "P&G Beauty Salon", который находится в Деревне Атлетов. В связи с первыми Европейскими Играми в Баку "Baku2015", данный салон предоставляет услуги ухода за красотой атлетам. Салон разделен на две зоны: женская и мужская. Тут интересный маникюр, с использованием техники нейларт, а также здесь предоставляются услуги мейк-апа и ухода за волосами. Персонал был очень приветлив. Хочу отметить что в команду были набраны профессиональные мастера со всего города Баку, а также были представители стран ближнего зарубежья.          
   В "P&G Beauty Salon" самой популярной услугой является нейл арт. В основном, клиенты заинтересованы в наложении маникюра в виде флагов стран-представительниц. Следует отметить, что мужчины не исключения. Достаточно рассказать историю об ирландском атлете, у которого флаг Ирландии сохранился на протяжении недели, что довольно впечатляюще.
   Работники салона, парикмахеры, работают совестливо, и если Вам назначено 30 минут, то они дельно потратят все отведенное время. После недолгого разговора с менеджером салона красоты, я лично воспользовалась его услугами. Мне помыли голову шампунем Pantene 2 в 1 Защита Цвета и Блеск, после которого мои волосы были очень мягкими на протяжении нескольких дней. Мастер Турал занимаясь моей прической, обсудил положительные и отрицательные стороны моих волос, и дал советы по уходу за ними. 

   В салоне используется продукция P&G: шампуни, кондиционеры, маски фирмы Pantene Pro-V, Head and Shoulders, а также мыла Camey и средтства стайлинга от Wella. Предоставлена была линия Pantene Слияние с Природой Oil Therapy, в которую также входит Эликсир с Марокканским Аргановым Маслом, который является фаворитом в линии этих средств. Это средство- завершающий этап в уходe за волосами. Оно не только восстанавливает волосы, но в тоже время и предотвращает их дальнейшее повреждение. Один из плюсов этого продукта то, что масло идеально подходит для летнего сезона, так как совсем не утяжеляет волосы, при этом масло смягчает волосы и оставляет их блестящими.

           А также можно было сфотографироваться для кампания Anam Üçün. O Hershein Yaxshisina Layigdir. Соглашаясь с девизом кампании, атлеты посылали поцелуй своим матерям, тем самым показывая свою любовь, хоть и в такой простой форме. Я тоже не смогла пройти мимо, и в очередной раз объявляю: "Мама, я тебя люблю"! 
           В итоге я провела приятный день в приятной компании, еще раз убедившись в профессионализме наших мастеров и насколько они любят свое дело. И это сказано не просто так, так подтверждают и отзывы самих атлетов Baku2015, которые неоднократно возвращались в салон и благодарили команду P&G за их услуги и сервис. Хочу еще раз поблагодарить всю команду "P&G Beauty Salon"! You rock! 


xoxo Fatya 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

All That Glitter | MakeUpTheMood tutorial

Hi my lovely followers! I am back with another tutorial. 

All details and products that I used for this look are named in the video. However,  as I always say, it is not necessary for you to have the same exact products that I am using!

You can always use whatever you have by chosing the similar colors and shades. 

I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions please ask. 

Do not forget to put a smile on your face, cause no amount of makeup can fix a sad face.

Do not forget to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to my channel for the future updates!

xoxo Medina 

Monday, March 23, 2015

MakeUpTheMood | Golden

Hi my lovely followers! I am back with another tutorial. 

All details and products that I used for this look are named in the video. However,  as I always say, it is not necessary for you to have the same exact products that I am using!

You can always use whatever you have by chosing the similar colors and shades. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

Do not forget to put a smile on your face, cause no amount of makeup can fix a sad face.

Do not forget to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to my channel for the future updates!

xoxo Medina 


Recently I have been using the lippies and lip pencils of this amazing brand called ColourPopCosmetics! They are so good!

Let me tell you the story! So, I've been following them on instagram for quite a bit, and a lot of beauty bloggers and MUAs were referring to this brand. However, I never visited their website before, till one of my friend texted me saying that she bought couple of products from ColourPop Cosmetics and they're amazing. And the main point was that they are very affordable, $5 a piece, doesn't matter either it is the lip product or the eyeshadow. So, I gave it a try, and  ordered eyeshadows, lipsticks and lip pencils.

And Oh My God, YES! They are absolutely amazing! The texture of the eyeshadows is so soft, and they are super pigmented. It is better if you apply them with your finger, and blend it with the brush after! Stunning. The range of colors is absolutely gorgeous!

I would like to say the same about the lip products, because they are so good in pigmentation, the longevity of lasting, and color range. Can not get enough of them all. 

Stay tuned for the video of me using, and reviewing ColourPopCosmetics! (Maybe I'll do a talk through video, I don't know yet) Co

Stay beautiful.

Bottom to Top: 

Lumière (matte)
Cookie (matte)
Bound (glossy)
Trixie (satin)
Creature (matte)
Pitch (matte) 

xoxo Medina

Sunday, February 8, 2015

MakeUpTheMood | Easy Wings

Hi everyone!

All details and products that I used for this look are named in the video. However,  it is not necessary for you to have the same exact products that I am using! You can always use whatever you have by chosing the similar colors and shades. 

I hope you enjoy it.

Do not forget to put a smile on your face, cause no amount of makeup can fix a sad face.

Do not forget to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to my channel for the future updates!

xoxo Medina 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipsticks' Swatches

Welcome Back, lovelies! Or I should welcome myself back to you and my blog, cause it was too long ago that I've posted anything, and I am sorry about that!

However, I am back with the video of Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipsticks' Swatches! You should've seen my face when I got those babies in the mail. Let me tell you why.

Those lipsticks are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

The texture, the longevity of wearing them, the colors... so I am going to write a little about each of 5 colors that I've got! I am planning to get the whole collection; I just can't resist it. Even though, those lipsticks are a little bit pricey ($20 each), I think they worth it. Why?

First, because they are liquids, and the packaging looks like a lipgloss, so you probably expect a tiny tube, but it is bigger than I was expecting. The amount of product is 3.2 g (comparing to Lime Crime Velvetines 2.6 g $20). So this is a plus!

Second things is the texture! I do not know the formula or anything behind that texture, but it is the softest!!! Full coverage, very pigmented. One sweep is enough to get the vibrant color on your lips.  They dry pretty fast, and have a matte finish, which I am currently obsessed with!

And the range of colors, which Anastasia Beverly Hills offers, is mind blowing! 20 different shades from lightest "Milkshake" to darkest "Potion".

The colors I got are:

~Pure Hollywood: Nude. Soft neutral color. Will look good with a little tanned or deeper skin tone.

~Sweet Talker: Pink Corral, and I would say it has a cool undertone. It looks like a vibrant pink on me though. However, the color mostly depends on your skin type.

~Bloodline: Warm Orange Red color! (In LOVE!!!)

~ Vamp: Brown Color.  On some people it may look like bordo or maroon. Again, it all depends on your skin color.

~Sad Girl: This color has Matte Metallic Finish. Deep plum color.

All the colors above are so beautiful on the lips, so here is a short video of the swatches, so you can see the color and how smooth are they!


Do not forget to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to my channel for the future updates!

xoxo Medina 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Etée Lauder Color Portfolio Makeup Tutorial

Hi My beautiful followers!!!

I prepared the new tutorial for you and I hope you will find it useful.
I am gonna list products down below and you can enjoy the tutorial!

I wanna say that it is not necessary for you to have the same exact products that I am using! You can always use whatever you have by chosing the similar colors and shades. Do not be afraid to experiment!

~ Esée Lauder Color Portfolio


~MAC Eyeshadow Primer "Painterly"

~ 04 Wild Sable

~ 45 Lavish Mink

~60 Sugar Biscuit

~09 Moons

~ Pure Color Intense Kajal Eyeliner Duo "Blackened Black" 01

~ Inglot Gel Eyeliner #77

~ Sephora "Outrageous Volume" in Ultra Black


Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation 5.5

~ Benefit Fake Up Concealer 02 Medium

~ Clinique Almost Powder Makeup 06 Deep

~ M.A.C Cosmetics: Studio Fix Powder NW50

~ NYX Blush "Mocha"

~Dose Of Colors "Sunkissed" Highlighter


~ 17 Rose Tea

~ M.A.C Lip pencil "Hip'n'Happy"

Do not forget to put a smile on your face, cause no amount of makeup can fix a sad face.

Do not forget to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to my channel for the future updates!

xoxo Medina